Dec 19, 2012

IntROdUCtIOn tO wRIttInG

Should Homework Be Abolished In The School System
                      Since 2007, Malaysian are abolished a homework for all student at school. This is not right on education, including a university student too. There just do a lot of exercise only on the class and not at home. Without any homework at home, the children cannot received or recall what their teachers teach them at school. So, this is a srius thing to all teachers because their are give a educate the next generation like us. Parents are playing a big role too on this situation

FyI, ThIS BlOg wAs AbOUt ...

Orait guys,, today i just want to say or tell you something about this blog...
Okeyh,, FYI (For Your Information) this blog actually for my English Education only... My BEL 311 ask we do our blogger account for updating a post bout any topic that she ask to do...
Its nothing bout Gossip, Trends, Movies, Musics, n more okeyh... For all of that you can click on this link yups.. Maybe on there you can find anything bout entertainment =)
Hope you guys understant what i mean here.. This blog just only for my Bel 311 class project.. So, i see you guys on next time at here, just keep follow this blog okeyh.. Have a nice day ^_6

Dec 14, 2012

JuSt wANt tO wISh

Holla,, today i really happy n glad to say Merry Christmas to all of you and Happy New Year..
I hope next year was better than this year.. Thats it for today, all da best for you guys okeyh.. Muaxxx, XOXO...

Dec 13, 2012

My iNtERrESt

So, this is my first post at my own blogger.. My duty as student, i had a task right now givin by my lecture BEL named, Nor Afifah (hope i spell her name was right ;p).. I really hope dats i can post anything bout her on this blog but i don't have enough time to talk bout it..

Okeyh back to the tittle up there, so today i want to talk bout my own interest here... Huhuiii, i really love n excited to talk bout this topic today. As you guys know i am a hyperactive guy who love gossip2ing, blog2ing, shop2ing n also i have a HATERS too... I really love my HATERS so much actually, sometimes they give me a lot of inspiration n strength to keep strong for
continued my life...

I don't want to talk bout all of that but i just want you to know than i really want dying on Fashion right now.. Fashion is my life_style, you guys just talk bout any design or colobration dress or shirt that you want to wear n match with your pasts or skirt and also those shoes to me, of course i can handle it URGHH because its in my professional okeyh (but mostly i as myself doesn't know how to change my style.. I only know how to critics another people style only but its okeyh mybe soon or when my style will change too, right?)

Most of you guys are always ask me, 'why i not continue my study at Fashion Design course?? And must Fine Art??'.. Actually i already apply for that course but its not my luck, so i got this Fine Art course.. Insyallah, on degree soon i will change my Fine Art course to Fashion Design course.. Amin2...

For me, world right now are not fair aspecially for a gurl who are love to stolen a fashion_style from a guy mostly a style from the tuxedo, shirt, n more.. Me as a future Fashion Designer want to create a now style juist for a guy only that girl never ever stolen any style from guy anymore...

So, this is for today.. I will see you guys on the next chapters okeyh... God bless you, XOXO..