Jan 3, 2013

rEuPdAtE_IntROdUCtIOn tO wRIttInG

Should Homework Be Abolished In The School System
Since 2007, Malaysian are abolished a homework for all student at school. This is not right on education, including a university student too. There just do a lot of exercise only on the class and not at home. Without any homework at home, the children cannot received or recall what their teachers teach them at school. So, this is a srius thing to all teachers because their are give a educate the next generation like us. Parents are playing a big role too on this situation, if parent are not taking this problem seriusly their children may be an uneducated on the next day. How to prevent this problem from their children being an uneducated person? What will happen to our country on the next generation if the children are not exposed or didn't do some homeworks by giving from lectures or teachers starting now? For prevent our children being an uneducated person is with a slow talk from any motivators or do some campaign 'How To Be a Hardwoking Student Do Homework'. Beside that, our country will be at the back beside the other country. If this problem are not contained from right now, its will be harm and bring a lot of problem to our country at the future.

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