Jan 9, 2013



I. Introduction

No, students should not be able to get free comdoms at school in Malaysia because it was emotional unstable, can cause sexually transmitted diseases, and altenative to abortion.
II. Body
A   One of the reason for this issues is emotional unstable.
      1. Whatever if taken or not taken the protection, the sex still happen because it depends on their thinking (Amber, 2008)
         a) because its a influences from their peers and surrounding for example their friends have couple and their had a sex experience. 
         b) they want to try a something new.
         c) For example our goverment not really control the economic of pirates DVD and pornographic films.
         d) teenagers around 14 until 21, they still do not know themselves and they are still trying to find identity. Therefore there are always lost emotionally that they do not know to diffrent a good and a bad thing. 
B   Another reason can cause sexuallity transmitted diseases.
         a) Their have a sex and they not wearing a protection for example wearing a comdoms is a better way to prevent from any diseases (Michelle Reising, 2005).
         b) Always change their partner when they having a sex all the time for example sex in one night stand.
         c) from this we can know that this disease can transfer with free sex can transfer by performing sex actively which means semen comes into the ovum. So most probably the prengnancy cases will increase.
         d) For example transmitted disease such as HIV / AIDS, Cancer Cervic and venereal disease (STD).
C  In Malaysia the rate alternative to abortion are increases than another state.
          a) Malaysia have a lot of case involving teenagers especially those who are pregnant out of wed-lock (Rahimah Makol-Abdul Abu Sadat Nurullah, 2005).
          b) Abortion commonly happen to woman who does not feel ready to have a baby. Over 90% immatured are unprepared in physical, emotional, spiritual.
          c) Illegal clinics are provide for those young woman to do abortion beside her partner want her to have an abortion.
          d) For example teenagers who are pregnant and can afford to buy medicine, they usually take untrusted medicine from illegal clinics. On the other hand, for those who cannot afford, they take tradisional herbs and method like eating acidic food such as pineapple, carbonate drink and vinegar.
III. Conclusion
The lack knowledge and religious background in teenagers cause themselves to choose a wrong path. This teenagers mix with a person who has already experienced can influence teenagers to do the same thing. Give a condoms is not a good solution how to prevent this problem. So goverment and parents is a big  role  increating  our teenegers to become a good person. For example goverment should strengthen to give a permision to open new legal and trusted clinics. Parents should give space and try to become her  or his friends to their chidren. This can help the parents to know their children's friends, schools, and social life also problems. By a strong bond between a parent and their children, they will share thier problem together.

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